They are proud and wilful, but they are true-hearted, generous in thought and deed; bold but not cruel; wise but unlearned, writing no books but singing many songs, after the manner of the children of Men before the Dark Years. — The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

This site belongs to The Rohirrim - the open for all kinship of Rohan - and every member is allowed to write here. The Muster of Rohan is a series of roleplaying events open for all rohirrim on Laurelin forming an Eored held previously held once every 5-8 weeks. We do not use a forum. The Quest is a number of letters sent to Erkenbrand from his son Therowan which describe the Epic campaign series as experienced by a handful members of The Rohirrim.


Update Muster of Rohan, part IV: The Shadow of Isengard

News Update!

Great news! The Shadow of Isengard will be an official Gamemaster supported event! Time to gather the forces.

Best regards

Mail recieved from Codemasters:
Dear ...,
We have received your Event request and finally checked it.

So we like to tell you that we can provide this Event exactly as you have planned it.

The only Thing left to do is to find a Date for the Event so that we can arrange all the points to make it

A “Great” Event, our suggestion is Saturday the 11th of October, if you confirm this Date we will finalize

The execution of the Event and provide it on this Day

Kindest Regards
Senior GM / Event Management

LotRO Eventsupport | Codemasters Software Co.
Codemasters Campus, Stoneythorpe, Southam, Warks, CV47 2DL

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